a headshot of Andrea Argueta
Role / Title
Member At Large
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Read Andrea's Bio

Andrea Argueta is located in Mi'kma'ki, the traditional, unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. She is originally from Ktaqmkuk (Newfoundland) and moved to Kjipuktuk (Halifax) in 2019. She recently finished her undergrad in Wildlife Conservation and is starting her career with Environment and Climate Change Canada.  

In her spare time, you can find Andrea among her community connecting to her Mi'kmaw and Mayan roots, she enjoys traditional crafting such as beading, porcupine quill art, making moccasins and sewing ribbon skirts. You can also often find her out on the land with her two dogs or at her local CrossFit Gym.

Date Appointed (board)
September 2023

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