Team Banner Built Environment

Built Environment

About the Built Environment Team

The Ecology Action Centre’s Built Environment Team engages in urban planning issues across Halifax Regional Municipality and strives to be a voice for sustainable growth. We take action through plan and policy reviews, connecting community groups on development issues and creating opportunities to learn about urban planning.

Projects & Programs

  • The Halifax Greenbelt is a network of green spaces in HRM that provide free and public access to nature and help to direct growth into existing urban areas.
  • The EAC promotes more sustainable development patterns and complete communities can meet our needs for housing, transportation and access to goods and services.
  • Halifax has one of the most ambitious climate action plans in the country. Learn more about HalifACT and the city's plan to help tackle the climate crisis!
  • Our HRM Alliance is a coalition of 60+ organizations from environment, business, health and community sectors advocating for sustainable growth in HRM.
  • Green burial is the act of returning a body as naturally as possible to the earth.
  • Learn about some of the Built Environment Team's past projects and initiatives!
  • Click here to read a brief history of the decades-long fight to protect the Blue Mountain - Birch Cove Lakes.

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