Ecology & Action Magazine

Ecology & Action (E&A) magazine is our membership magazine that is available twice a year in both print and online. Articles are written and edited by volunteers and Ecology Action Centre staff.

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Members receive each issue of Ecology & Action by email or by postal mail. Learn more about becoming a member!

Latest Issue: Spring 2024

Check out the articles featured in the most recent issue of E&A below, or click here to read the whole thing! PDFs of some of our past editions are also available by clicking on their cover images at the bottom of this page.

Spring 2024 magazine cover

From Affect to Effect: Art, Ecology and Activism at Sandy Lake 

A local artist collective raises awareness and funds to fight against the development of an urban wild space in Halifax Regional Municipality. Find out how art and environmental activism are galvanizing support to save Sandy Lake. 

Two Nature Artists in Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia 

Meet two artists who draw inspiration from nature: Tiffany Morris, an L’nu’skw writer of speculative fiction and poetry, and Quentin Syliboy, a painter who blends Indigenous art styles with modern techniques and influences. 

There is No Planet B: Protest Signs and Art in the Climate Strike Movement

Each September downtown Halifax becomes flooded with protesters – and posters. The use of art in the School Strike for Climate lets people easily speak up about climate justice and inspire others to do the same. 

You Do Not Have to Be Good: Climate Grief and the Poetry of Mary Oliver

Living through the effects of climate change is not easy. Turning to Mary Oliver’s poems and her quiet observations of the natural world can soothe our climate grief and deepen our empathy. 

Connecting the Dots: Using Dance to Communicate Environmental Issues

Art and science might seem to be very different disciplines, but they have much to offer each other – as we see in performances that use movement to communicate issues from loon conservation to ocean plastic pollution

A Night with the Woods: A Short Story

“My walk takes me two hours downhill... A stream’s gurgle molts into a sheet of serene light, feeding into the lullaby of the ocean, eventually melting into the orange semi-sphere on the horizon. I recognize a few melodic fragments of conversation, from years of desperately trying to learn the language of this land.” Become immersed in a night with the woods.

Ocean Spotlight: Conservation Media as a Tool for Change

Wildlife cinematographer Nick Hawkins captures visuals above and below water to spotlight species and ecosystems that viewers might not otherwise experience. Find out how he connects through the lens and what impact he hopes to have. 

Art Bikers: Making Art and Nature Accessible to All

Wonder’neath’s Art Bikers travel by bike to communities around Halifax Regional Municipality and provide accessible, free projects ranging from birdhouse painting to bike repair. Learn how the Art Bikers program lets people engage with creativity and sustainability

Greening the JUNOs: Halifax’s Plan to Reduce Environmental Impacts of Canada’s Largest Music Awards

What role does the arts have in addressing the climate emergency? Local organizations banded together to reduce the environmental impacts of events during the JUNO Awards and promote climate action in the music industry. 

Dancing Truth to Power

Read how Bharata Natyam, a 4,000-year-old dance artform, is being used to portray climate change and social issues and, in doing so, inspire action.

Poor Prose Muddles the Urgent Questions Posed in The History of Bees

The History of Bees by Maja Lunde weaves together three stories, set in different places before, during and after the decline of bees. Read a review of this work of environmental speculative fiction

Public Sculpture Drives Climate Change Adaption

The Society for Art, Land and Tide is a new organization whose goal is to promote sustainable energy solutions through a design competition. Read more about this art-and-energy initiative.

The Story of Green

Photosynthetic organisms create shades of green as simply as breathing. Humans have had to work a lot harder. We take you through how natural and chemical pigments have been developed for artwork over the centuries

The Seasonal Gourmet: Hearty Seafood Chowder

Just like spring emerging from a cold Nova Scotian winter, this hearty seafood chowder is sure to warm you up to your bones. 

You can also learn what our staff have been up to in recent months in the Action is our Middle Name section - read it here!

Past Issues

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