EAC says amendments to NS electricity legislation positive, but don’t go nearly far enough

Friday, April 8, 2022

KJIPUKTUK (HALIFAX) - Yesterday, the Nova Scotia government introduced legislative changes to the Electricity Act and the Public Utilities Act. The Ecology Action Centre says that although there are positive aspects in the announcement, more needs to be done to protect rate payers and ensure that Nova Scotia’s power utility is facilitating a transition to equitable and accessible green energy. 

“We were pleased to see measures preventing new net-metering charges, supports for solar energy like the Community Solar Program and Green Choice Program and the proposed Performance Partnership Advisory Table (PPAT),” says Gurprasad Gurumurthy, energy coordinator, renewables and electricity with EAC. “But the changes announced fail to address essential long-term issues including support for low-income households, the general rate hike proposed by Nova Scotia Power and measures to ensure the utility fully supports rapid decarbonization.” 

Gurumurthy also notes that more attention needs to be paid to energy efficiency, instead of focusing solely on renewables. 

“We absolutely need to be transitioning to renewable energy sources,” says Gurumurthy. “But that won’t be enough unless we’re also putting resources into energy efficiency programs across the province. The two have to go hand-in-hand.” 

Beyond the issues in yesterday’s announcement, the EAC says that there are still many unanswered questions when it comes to the province’s energy utility and the future of green energy in Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia. 

“The government still owes Nova Scotians a great deal of answers,” says Gurumurthy. “The inclusion of performance-based governance is positive, but it’s not actually tied to Nova Scotia Power’s profits, so it remains to be seen if it will actually have any teeth. Furthermore, we need to know who is going to sit on the PPAT, and what role the Advisory Table will play.” 

The EAC will be posing these questions and more at the Law Amendments hearing happening next week, and Gurumurthy says that although more work needs to be done, he remains hopeful. 

“We are happy to see the provincial government step in and announce these changes,” he says. “But it is imperative that they go further if we want to ensure a sustainable and equitable energy future for everyone living in Mi’kma’ki.” 


Media Contact

Gurprasad Gurumurthy
Energy Coordinator, Renewables and Electricity | Ecology Action Centre

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