Statement from Ecology Action Centre on outcome of 2021 Nova Scotia election.

Posted: Wed, Aug 18, 2021

With the 2021 Nova Scotia provincial election now at a close, EAC wants to congratulate all elected MLAs. We look forward to working with the new government and opposition parties to help ensure they follow through on the environmental commitments made during this election. 

The Progressive Conservatives made some big promises, including commitments to increase renewable energy, protect 20% of land and water by 2030, fully implement the Lahey Report on Forestry Practices and to update all environmental decision-making processes to include diversity, inclusion and equity. Now it’s time for them to get to work making these promises a reality. 

Nova Scotians are ready for transformative change. If the new government wants to maintain public trust, they need to take immediate and concreate action toward building a bold climate plan, helping foster resilient communities and healthy ecosystems, and ensuring that no one is left behind. In light of increasing threats to biodiversity and the sobering report from the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, it’s clear beyond a shred of doubt that we must act fast to ensure a future that protects the communities and natural spaces we love and rely on as a province. One where everyone living in Mi’kma’ki can truly thrive.  

So no more B.S. No more half measures and unfulfilled commitments. It’s time to get to work. 

- Maggy Burns, Executive Director with Ecology Action Centre.

Media Contact

Maggy Burns
Executive Director, Ecology Action Centre

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