When you leave a gift to the Ecology Action Centre (EAC) in your will, you support environmental protection beyond your lifetime. Use your legacy to help keep our voice independent and strong and enable us to build a sustainable and equitable future for all.
How to get started
Getting started
There are several ways to plan a legacy gift. The two most commonly planned gifts are bequests and life insurance policies:
A bequest is a percentage of your estate or a specified dollar amount which is gifted to the EAC through your will. Although the gift is planned by you when you prepare your will, it does not come into effect for the EAC until you have died. Gifts may be unrestricted or designated for a particular issue that is of special interest to you.
A sample bequest for unrestricted use may read:
To pay to the Ecology Action Centre ___ percentage share of my estate (or a sum of $__) to be used for such purposes of the Charity as its Board of Directors may from time to time determine; and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer of the Ecology Action Centre or other person properly authorized to give receipts shall be sufficient discharge for the same.
Life Insurance Policy
The gift of an insurance policy can take place by transferring the ownership of a paid policy or purchasing a new policy naming the EAC as either the owner or as the beneficiary. When you transfer ownership of an existing policy to us, you receive a tax credit for the cash surrender value.
More Ways to Give
More ways to give
In addition to a bequest in your will or the gift of a life insurance policy, we’d be happy to talk with you about other ways to give:
- Gifts of real estate, artwork, jewelry or collectibles
- Gifts of a RRSP or RRIF
- Bequests of stocks, bonds or mutual funds
- Annuities
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
Information for your Lawyer or Accountant
Information for your Lawyer or Accountant
Ecology Action Centre
2705 Fern Lane, Halifax, NS B3K 4L3
Registered Charity Number: 107280224RR0001
For more information or to begin a conversation on planned giving, please contact our Community Giving Manager, Karen Gilmour, at karen.gilmour@ecologyaction.ca.
We understand that planned giving is very personal. We want to assure you that your conversations with us on these matters will be kept completely confidential.
Major Donors
Major donors play an important role in helping us remain resilient in our vision of a healthy, protected, and valued environment in Nova Scotia.
A donation of $5,000 or more is considered the basis for a major donation, which provides the long-term financial support needed to keep our voice independent and strong for years to come.
For more information on becoming a major donor, please contact our Community Giving Manager, Karen Gilmour, at karen.gilmour@ecologyaction.ca.
The Madeleine Fund
The Madeleine Fund is an endowment fund created in 2022 by an anonymous donor in honour of the work of Kip McCurdy and to celebrate the return of the Peregrine Falcons to the Bay of Fundy 25 years ago.
From the endowment fund, a $5,000 grant is awarded annually to an EAC project. The project work must strengthen and support community advocacy in the quest to protect communities and natural spaces of Nova Scotia. Learn more about past recipients of this grant below!
If you would like to contribute or to learn more about this giving opportunity please email our Community Giving Manager, Karen Gilmour, at karen.gilmour@ecologyaction.ca.
Recipient:Â Healthy Bays Network
Healthy Bays Network
The EAC Marine Team works closely with the Healthy Bays Network on Nova Scotia’s long anticipated five-year aquaculture regulatory review. With the EAC’s re-established seat on the Nova Scotia Aquaculture Regulatory Advisory Committee, we are able to provide coastal community members with up-to-date information on how the process is unfolding, and what to expect. With help from The Madeleine Fund, we are going further. We are developing a two-part event series in four coastal communities (Eastern Shore, Chester-St. Margaret’s area, Liverpool, and Digby area) to prepare for the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture consultations. We will ensure that community voices are no longer ignored.
Part one will gather a small group of community members at each location to discuss their key concerns about aquaculture, and target specific regulatory changes to address them – “kitchen table” style. Part two will entail public speaking events, covering industry plans for fish farm expansion in Nova Scotia and the inconsistency of aquaculture policy between Canada’s east and west coasts. We’ll encourage regulatory review submissions and help each community remind the provincial government that open net-pen fish farms are still not welcome in our public waters. We hope that this two-pronged approach will make a splash and move us away from sea-cage fish farms altogether in Atlantic Canada. The Madeleine Fund is helping to make it all possible.