Anika Riopel

EAC Staff Member,  Anika Riopel
Role / Title
Senior Transportation Coordinator / Seaweed Education Centre Coordinator
Team Pronouns
Bio accordion

Read Anika's Bio

Anika Riopel is a passionate transportation advocate and ocean education champion.  She believes fiercely in working through partnerships to reduce barriers for a more just and sustainable future. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Theatre Arts and Environmental Sustainability from Dalhousie University and a culinary certificate from Sault College. Prior to moving to Halifax, Anika worked as a curriculum developer and scuba instructor with Connect Ocean in Costa Rica. During her undergrad, she focused on ocean-centric experiential learning, place-based and adult education. She continues to freelance as a SCUBA instructor at Torpedo Rays Scuba Adventures with a specialization in disabled diving. 

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